Death Note's Theme is Boredom

So, about Death Note, very possibly the anime which I most rewatched, and one of the best I've ever seen, one common discussion is that the main theme of Death Note is Justice, politics and criminal discussions. That's a large part of it, but what if, behind all it, there is a very specific theme behind the psychology of Death Note?

As I reflect on Death Note once more, I come to the conclusion, based on other character analysis and videos of it I accumulated in mind, that Death Note is not simply about justice, but also about *boredom*. More specifically, how boredom can affect us people.

Remember, very at the beggining, what is the actual reason, according to Ryuk himself, why he dropped the Death Note? According to himself, because he was BORED. How was Light feeling before becoming Kira? BORED. According to L when he was interviewed by Wammy's House, how does L mainly sees his job as? Not as as a moral hero, but as a HOBBY, as a game. Near said the same about how he feels on it, and acted the same.

From this personal interpretation, It is a show that intends to show how much of a driving force for anything, boredom can be.