--We are people who chase for happiness. The search for eternal satisfaction is present within our very aspects, and is shown throughout human manifestation.
In religion, we say that we are seeking "heaven, God, Nirvana, and such", but what are we REALLY putting behind these concepts? The desire for eternal, everlasting peace of mind and happiness. Do we really love the idea of God, because of the person itself, or because of what heaven represents?(perfect, everlasting, eternal happiness with someone who loves you and you love them back, infinitely)? Is wanting Nirvana different from the desire to be rid of suffering, which, of course, means more peace of mind and happiness? How would it not be?
When we say we want a job, do you really love the job, or the idea of satisfaction that the job can provide? Are we such in love with words and concepts and things in culture, that we forget what we actually chase behind them? The idea of satisfaction, temporary or eternal, but a satisfaction, happiness, whatever it means. We have an intuitive idea/experience of happiness, so I'm gonna let you base yourself, when reading this text, on that.
But is it really the "word", the "idea", "happiness", that we want, or the feelings that come when we imagine it? You don't want a word, but the experience behind the word, right?
But then, we search for things which we think will grant us this experience, only to find a feeling of void afterwards sometimes? Why it?, (that's a genuine question, i don't know how to continue this text, pls help me lol)